Monday, November 1, 2010

Personal Prediction

Elections are tomorrow. It’s time for me to look back at the race and say who I expect to win. Although Dawn Sass is the incumbent, I pick Kurt Schuller to win.

In the primary election, more people voted for Schuller. Sass’s nepotism and expensive trips to resorts on taxpayer money will hurt Sass’s chances for re-election. Though small, the voter poll gives Schuller a large percentage of votes. Schuller has a number of endorsements and has support for his foremost plan on eliminating the Office of the State Treasurer.

Conventional wisdom also influences my prediction. The conventional wisdom predicts a Republican landslide across all the political races (article link). I believe this is true because a lot of people are unhappy with the current economy. People want change, and their votes will be to change the party in power.

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