Searching to find who supports whom in the upcoming election, I could only find one modest voter poll. There were only 120 voters, all apparently from Fredonia. Such a small sample makes the poll insignificant and a weak predictor for the election. Still, for such a quiet race and there being so few voter polls, this survey in Fredonia holds some indication of voter opinions, if only in the slightest. Kurt Schuller received 78% of the votes, leaving Dawn Sass 22%.
One of the voters’ comments stated that Wisconsin Right-to-Life endorsed Schuller. Though I could not confirm this at the WRTL website, the endorsement would make sense since Schuller is conservative.
Schuller does have endorsements from two newspapers, Wisconsin State Journal and Wausau Daily Herald. Sass is being endorsed by Wisconsin’s Secretary of State Doug LaFollette and AFSCME, of which Sass is a member.
During an interview early this month, Kurt Schuller mentioned his following on Facebook. That piqued my curiosity to see how much presence he and Dawn Sass have on Facebook. Schuller currently has 1,389 friends. Dawn Sass has 171.
It seems like Schuller is fairly far ahead of Sass. Though, as you say, that sample size is not a very good indicator. It is not possible to have a good representation with that small of a sample. Also, Schuller does have a lot of endorsements, unlike Sass. If Sass wins I will be very surprised.